The charming animated design captures a joyous moment with their three children against a tranquil countryside backdrop. The image, taken from a video shared by Duchess Catherine in September, shows the family relaxing on a bale of straw. Prince William and Catherine are all smiles as their children Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, bring their youthful energy to the scene. George, who is almost as tall as his mother, looks confident in a blue T-shirt, while Charlotte looks radiant in a white blouse.
Louis, the youngest, is playful in playful summer shorts, adding to the lively atmosphere. The couple's heartwarming Christmas message reflects their close connection with the public. Interestingly, after the post was shared on social media, the original image was deleted and then quickly reappeared in a slightly edited enlarged version, creating curiosity among fans. Unlike previous years' elegant black and white portraits taken by renowned photographer Josh Shinner, this year's card features a vibrant nature backdrop shot by filmmaker Will War.
The photo is particularly significant because it comes after Princess Catherine spoke candidly about her experience earlier this year. She expressed relief and determination, saying that although she was back, her path to full recovery would take time. Catherine's honesty has inspired many and deepened her relationship with the public. Other members of the royal family have also released their own Christmas cards.
King Charles and Queen Camilla have sent a card featuring a tender portrait taken in Buckingham Palace Gardens to mark their 19th wedding anniversary. Their card carries a heartfelt message wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and New Year, spreading warmth and gratitude. The festive greetings came after the Royal Family attended Catherine’s Christmas Carols service at Westminster Abbey, celebrating those who have shown love and kindness throughout the year. Over the years, the Prince and Princess of Wales have shared many memorable Christmas card photos.
In 2022, they enjoyed the simplicity of a summer walk in Windsor. Their 2021 card features a snapshot from a private family holiday in Petra, Jordan. Each card reveals their cherished moments, strengthening their connection with their supporters. This year’s cards celebrate not only the joy of the holiday season, but also the resilience and unity that characterizes the royal family. As the new year approaches, messages of love, hope and perseverance from the royal family continue to resonate around the world.