True horror stories that happened during school closures
Celeb Alert   05/10/2024   536

This is probably one of the horror stories believed to be true that happened during school closures.

A typical boring day in calculus, except it's Friday, seventh period, which means the week is almost over and Spring Break is finally upon us so everyone is sitting nervously. my place. I could say we didn't have a test that day like many of my friends did with their other teachers so our teacher was in the middle of class. The class just decided to start playing the game with us calmly sparkling he was such a very laid back teacher when we were doing some tests on brand logos about glitter I remember exactly the moment it happened right after my friend answered a question I remember exactly Answer for adidas.

School lockdowns: How many American children have hidden from gun violence? - Washington Post

The Dean's voice rang through the loudspeaker. He sounded panicked and frantic as he told all the teachers that this was not a drill and to proceed with a lockdown. I really felt chills and Goosebumps arose on our arms because we were usually so relaxed. The teacher also seemed frightened as he ran to turn off the lights and led us to the back corner of the room. We all sat in silence for about two minutes and then the sound The usual buzzing sound coming from a sign at the back of the room indicated that the school must have cut off all the electricity, we all looked at each other realizing this must be serious. Waiting a few more minutes, we heard a man screaming at the top of his lungs as he walked down the hallway, two girls in the class actually started crying.

Making us all even more scared as the screaming approached the classroom the seemingly crazy man started banging on the lockers while screaming I will kill you all right then I started to get scared for his life, my teacher had to be quiet. We all looked at each other to see our peers' reaction to the banging sound then moved from the locker to our classroom door and that's when a in the girls were crying screaming no, the pounding on the door only got worse when the man started screaming to open the door in the class the girls were crying so loud it felt like the man was banging door repeatedly but eventually he continued walking down the hallway screaming like a lunatic until we couldn't hear him anymore.

I would say ten minutes later, although it felt like half an hour in this situation, the Dean came back over the loudspeaker explaining the situation that surprised him. He explained that some people who appeared to be mentally unstable entered the building and assaulted the woman sitting at the reception desk causing her to flee the building screaming and staff were unsure whether the man was armed or not. This was before the school had cameras or had the ability to ensure proper security, so the school was open to things like this happening. all the hallways and classrooms and could not find him so the Dean instructed the teachers to continue teaching but to lock all the doors and not let any student leave for any reason. why? However.

The most disturbing part was that one of the janitors was working there. The night shift found the man sleeping in one of the lockers near the back of the school and according to rumors spread by my colleagues sticking out of his pocket was a .44 Magnum, the janitor was sure did something stupid to wake him up. For example, leaving the locker door open because by the time the police could arrive at the scene, the man had already left my entire class. As far as I know to this day I don't know if this man has been found or not but I would like to think that right now he is getting the appropriate help he needs my school has meal times noon The first lunch period is for all sixth graders and some seventh graders the second lunch period is for the other half of the seventh graders and all eighth graders a lockout has occurred At the beginning of October, the day the blockade took place, it was overcast and rainy during lunch time when I heard four loud explosions.

Clean/Horror School Environment in Environments - UE Marketplace

Personally I thought it was thunder but the entire lunch crowd started screaming. I thought those kids were just being serious but campus security came in and started yelling at everyone to come into the multipurpose room and the kids in line to buy lunch had to throw their lunch away and get in mine. and some friends came into the room along with a large group of other children. Curious as to what was going on, our multipurpose room was huge and the back wall of the room was made of transparent glass as me and my friends rushed inside the campus, security was using a glass curtain and there were adults at each exit, my friend Erik was as curious as the rest of us so he asked an adult what was going on when he turned around, he said you know how to do that right in front of TMS there are those houses.

I answered yes, it was the mentally disabled crazy man who barricaded himself in front of the house and threatened to commit suicide and kill the police if he was evicted. He was walking outside the school looking at the children in a strange way. Making matters worse we were stuck in the multi-purpose room for an hour, lasting two class periods after everything was settled we were escorted to each of our classes. I later found out that that man lived next door to my friend Brandi, who had told me about Halloween before when she saw the same man at the window cutting his arm and writing in blood. of yourself don't come here or I will kill you with his wind of course it's Halloween everyone including spirits assumed it was just Halloween the holiday but after this terrible incident we know the man This man is mentally ill and we are glad he never came near us. I am 22 years old.

Just out of school and I recently got a job at my old high school as a computer intern in the school's basement the school's basement was messy and unorganized but there was an office small for three people is really nice down there has three nice big tables two mini fridges a flat screen TV mounted on the wall and also has comfortable air conditioning a luxury that students and teachers cannot be enjoyed at school and of course all school servers and other computing devices. I got this job because my three former computer teachers absolutely loved me. I can really see them as real friends and not just statistics teachers so they all helped me a lot in finding this job.

It was great until something happened a few weeks ago, two of my co-workers Dave and Gary were not in the office at the time they were working upstairs. papers or whatever I was eating a sandwich during my lunch break when I got a phone call from one of the ladies in the front office telling me that the school was on lockdown and someone might be armed. gas has entered the school. What else can I do but turn off the lights because this small office is so nice that it surprisingly doesn't have an actual door, just a large opening, and the door leading into the entire basement doesn't even have a working lock? For my own safety, I turned off all the lights in the office and the computer screen. I left my phone on the table texting Gary and Dave but they didn't answer. I sat there in the dark playing games on my phone for about 20 minutes waiting.

Premium Photo | Horror and creepy classroom in a school

Call from above telling me to keep working I don't know what's going on I can't hear what's going on upstairs from down here but I'm not allowed to make any calls until i was informed that the lockdown was over the basement door noisily opened as the creaking echoed throughout the basement and into my office. I sat up and wondered if I should call Gary or Dave. I was eager to get more information from them when someone ran down the stairs and their footsteps were approaching my office. I pushed the chair out and crawled under the table. Someone entered the office but no lights on just silence I can't even describe the fear I'm experiencing I feel like if I make a sudden noise then suddenly my phone vibrates when I received the message. I felt my whole world shrink and die at that moment as I gritted my teeth and feared the footsteps suddenly approaching me until I finally dug myself out from under the bed. The surrender table begged someone not to kill me and just then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

It was a guy wearing buttoned up red plaid jeans and a black and red baseball cap, he told me it's okay I'm just down here hiding from you what's going on up there I whispered to him he almost ignored my question and asked me if there was any exit down here i told him yeah go that direction before he could do anything else i asked him who you are ai, there is a brief summary of the silent moment before he begins to explain that he is coming to pick up his son when a teacher tells him to hide after explaining. I checked my phone and saw the text I got was from Dave, it said this dude is some crazy guy with a shot, sir. Buckley he's wearing a red shirt and hat, no matter what, don't go upstairs. I was about to read that passage again to the man until I found myself looking up and feeling my stomach tighten, the man seemed to catch my suspicious look.

Panicked, all I could think to do was run upstairs, a gunshot echoed throughout the basement and I could hear the bullet bouncing off something metal in the darkness but thank God, that bullet missed me and I made it upstairs, luckily the police were waiting at the exits including the basement exit and called the second man when he opened the door, more good news He is our teacher, Mr. Buckley survived the gunshot, it was later determined that the man and mr. Buckley ate beef for whatever reason but it was never revealed, all we know is that Mr. There was nothing Buckley could have done to cause such a reaction and I know that the sound of that gunshot will forever echo in my mind.

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